August Changes to the SecondLife® TOS
What Are They & How Does It Impact SL Creators
Location: The Rose Theatre
Date/Time: Oct 19th @ 10am SLT (3 hours)
This meeting started promptly at 10am slt and lasted for exactly three hours. About 1/3 of it was the panelists presenting a highlight of general related legal terms as well as what they know of the current TOS and even how this relates to other Internet based service contracts. The remaining 2 hours was used to answer the onslaught of questions that came to them in an orderly manner. The entire presentation was primary communicated in VOICE by the legal panel - and translated to voice where a panel member was not able to voice.
It was clear the topic was VERY POPULAR as the sim was full with over 70 people attending and most stayed for the entire 3 hours. The questions were excellent but there were more questions than time as you will hear in the audio.
I am sure the new UCCSL group as well as others parties will be providing a full transcript as well as the presentation slides and the video/audio versions of the meeting shortly. But I wanted to submit my captured 3 hour audio of the entire meeting for any of my audience that wanted to hear it right away. Sorry but I didn't turn on the audio capture until after 1 minute went by so I missed the VERY beginning of the kickoff of the meeting.
I will not post my own personal interpretations from this meeting. I feel it is more important that all creators in SL learn from what was talked about and make up their own minds on what action or non action they wish to take regarding the LL TOS. But, if you want to get involved more actively I would strongly encourage you join the quickly growing UCCSL group and get involved.